Playing The Eyeball?  And you want more than one of the cards, do you?  Slap down The Hammer.  That way you get another turn.  Take your favorite of the four, then put back the three with your next favorite on top.  Now move The Hammer to the discard pile to begin your Hammer Turn.  Ask for more cards if you want to, then take the other favorite card when you're told "GOFO."  Even better, play that Unicorn you're holding, that way you get ALL THREE.
Sick and tired of your opponent pulling that stunt?  Watch him closely when he plays The Eyeball.  Watch his eyes when he sees the four cards he has drawn.  Especially watch for him to start fumbling through his cards, looking for a Hammer.  That's when YOU SLAP DOWN YOUR HAMMER!  OUCH!  DENIED...
Don't waste your Fingers on 5 point books like the Switchblades and Rubber Ducks.  Save those for the 20 point books: Weed, Money, Skulls and Dildoes. EXCEPTION: if your opponent is about to go out, you will need to stop him with The Finger even if he's asking for Handcuffs.  Don't let him go out!
Be careful you don't run someone out of set cards, because the hand will end immediately.  You won't get a bonus when that happens.  You only get the 20 point bonus when you play all of YOUR set cards during YOUR turn.  If your opponent is getting low on cards, ask someone else for cards.  Or just draw.
You can dominate the end of the hand with Hammers if you're lucky enough to have two or three.  Slap 'em down and keep going when there's only five or six cards left in the draw pile.  You might draw you the last cards you need to get the go out, and that's 20 points extra.
Over time, players tend to develop favorite books.  Watch for that weakness.  They'll burn up all of their Finger cards protecting their favorite set card, even if they have only one.  The game designer himself is rumored to have an affinity for the Skulls.
During the early part of a hand, it's unlikely someone will have all five cards of a 20 point book.  So if you have only one Dildo, and your opponent asks for Dildoes, just give it to him.  And remember where the Dildoes are...
The two player game is fierce competition.  GOFO doesn't at first seem to be a great two player game, but it is.  Try it. 

During the two player game, you can frustrate your opponent to point of near insanity when you play The Eyeball by putting atop the deck a card you want.   It's a card for which you already have a match.  Theh second he draws it, demand he cough it up.  Devious, eh?  Do that three times and you'd better move your chair back from the table a few feet.

Got more strategy tips?  Send them to The Eyeball!  

t h e e y e b a l l (at) g o f o g a m e . c o m  

We'll put 'em here and credit you if they're particularly insidious.